Friday, April 30, 2010


I'm e. and it seems the older I get, the more domesticated I become.  So I created the blog to follow my cooking and creativity projects throughout the year.  Today's my birthday, it kind of feels like new years, and one of my birthday resolutions is to have more fun and be more creative in general.

I'm currently in my first year of a PhD program so I spend a lot of time thinking analytically.  I love what I do, I adore my research but I used to do a lot of crafts and I haven't been doing them as much.  My program does take a lot of my time, but I also spend a fair amount of time just slacking.  Therefore, I resolve to spend more time creating, drawing, painting, planting, cooking and sewing.

So what have I done so far?  I've started redesigning my room and trying to make my patio pretty.  I've recently started a garden, but as you can see, this is taking a little longer than I anticipated.

My next two projects are making pillows and making curtains.

Thanks for checking out the blog and joining me on my creativity adventure.
